Diamond Core Barrels & Re-tipping

Diamond core barrels & segments for high speed and life

Diamantek AERO F Core Drills

Unique golf ball segment design maximizes water flow around the segment as well as maximizing cutting edges. 

It makes for very fast cutting in reinforced concrete with long life.

Aero F Wet Core Drill

Core Barrel Re-Tipping

Stratacote offers a full diamond core drill re-tipping service, helping you to manage the cost of core drilling by re-tipping your spent barrels.

Advantages of the Summit Tools re-tip service for core drill barrels:

  • Re-tipping costs less than a new barrel - Reducing your consumable expense.
  • Barrels can be re-tipped several times before wall thickness wears down and replacement is required.
  • Summit Tools collect spent barrels and return to you onsite when re-tipped - Making it easy for you.
  • Barrel exchange service available to selected customers and barrel sizes when time is of the essence - Keeping you working while your barrel is being re-tipped.

Summit Tools re-tip service includes a barrel inspection to ensure it will last another round of high performance drilling. Checking for torsion, twisting and the wall thickness itself. Once its determined to be fit for re-tipping the barrel is reconditioned and re-tipped for return to the customer.

Custom Rigs and Drills

Talk to us today about your custom drill and rig requirements.

Custom diamond drill rigs - Stratacote

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